As early as 2001 we began to see small companies yearning for a way to handle small sales forces. There is simply no good way to manage 2-15 salespeople. We saw clients dealing with this “diseconomy of sales scale” in one of five ways:
The business owner took time away from CEO-ing to manage the sales force. Since CEOs typically do not like sales management, they invested little time in it and got little results.
No one manages sales. Sure, it was cheap, but none of the benefits of professional sales management can accrue.
Hire a cheap sales manager. This usually ended badly with the owner wishing they had skipped the expense as the person lacked the high-level skills needed.
Hire a skilled sales manager. This solved the skill issue, but the cost of managing each employee was excessive.
Promote a salesperson to working sales manager. This solution made sense on paper and typically ended very badly. The salesperson stops selling and usually is not a great sales manager. Therefore the company got a double-whammy. Lost sales and a bad sales manager.
Our Philosophy
Unmanaged or under-managed sales forces are a financial drain. Both owners and salespeople lose money because of lost deals and imperfect sales process. SalesQB has found a way to cost-effectively manage the small business sales function and create better results for all parties.
Our second core philosophy is that sales process out-performs sales superstars. Having a sales god is nice, but they can hold an owner hostage and create as many problems as they solve. As a bonus, the sales god owners your sales process. By creating a PRSP (Proven and Repeatable Sales Process), the business owner can wrestle control from the sales god.
Lastly, we believe that one-on-one coaching works better than sales training. Sales training works great for some, but not for all. Here’s why – sales training is only knowledge, and it’s knowledge unapplied. Sales coaching takes actual sales situations and gently changes the salesperson’s behavior. This results in gently improving performance.
Outsourced Sales Management
Health Check Audit
If you’re like most small business CEOs who have proudly crossed over to profitability, you’re now probably focused on that dynamic product, solution or tool that will take you to your next revenue goal!
Before you spend mega time, money and resources developing the next product or solution, you may want to get laser focused on efficiencies that can generate cost savings and increased revenue – especially if it’s been a couple of years since you’ve taken a Health-Check Audit of your sales/marketing, technology, people and processes.
Are you keeping up with the “new way of doing it?”
The sales/marketing company bloodline has evolved extensively during the last 5 years. Sales used to be an art form and is now more of a science which is part of a tightly integrated operational practice that is repeatable.
Chances are over time you’ve developed a pretty good website that is periodically updated with some “marketing” management, but how much inbound activity is it producing and what’s the cost? On the flip side you have your salespeople who have loyally evolved with the growth of your company, but they’re all managing their lead generation, prospects and best sales practices individually. You can’t change if you don’t have a New Plan
A best practices sales audit is a perfect ROI tool to benchmark your current situation for future financial benefits. Ideally, you’ll want to understand how the financial impact can be produced and measured in the areas of:
Lead generation efficiency/improvement – where, why, how much?
The sales and marketing operation – how to create a Proven Repeatable Sales Process (PRSP)
Technology tools – CRM, Social Medial, Software Tools
Sales management improvement
Sales rep performance improvement
The Sales Audit is a robust custom report generated after an extensive consultation with the CEO and other corporate leaders. The 100-page document is functionally organized and structured to highlight how your company compares to the industry best practices with actionable suggestions for improvement. It’s a great “checkup” tool that gives you profitable plan.