Creating a Superstar Hiring and Training System
As small and medium sized business CEO’S and owners quickly learn, there's a world of difference between a worker who's correctly matched...
Is Your Corporate Strategy Encouraging a Race to the Bottom of Sales Profitability?
Your overall corporate strategy determines your top sales performer’s success. Solely focusing on a short term strategy of activities and...
What is a Graceful Exit?
Every business owner needs to exit their business gracefully. Traditionally, that would equate to selling the business, transferring it...
Do You Know the 44% Rule and How it Applies to Business Owners?
Why are so many business owners delaying the sale of their businesses? No one knows for sure, but it probably has to do with the 44%...
Business Owner Retirement Escape Plan
You’ve made it! You’re finally at the stage in life where you are considering removing the hard work from your time and replacing it with...
What is Half-Retirement™ for Business Owners?
Many business owners feel the only way to monetize their decades of hard work building their businesses is to sell them. For some,...
Six Ways Business Owners are Enjoying Half-Retirement
Done right, Half-Retirement can be equally-enjoyable as full retirement. Half-retirement is an alternative to selling your business. You...
As a CEO, Are You Holding Yourself Back?
As a CEO, are you leveraging the most valued asset - your time? Like it or not, your time is the most precious asset of your business....
When do I replace my sales leader? A CEO's Question.
I have been asked this question numerous times. CEO's may feel as if they are being manipulated or can't trust the Sales leader. So, how...
CEO Business Owner Fatal Error #19 The Cake is Flat...
When we set out to bake a cake we follow the recipe precisely. In business, our recipe is our business model and strategic plan. After...